We study the interactive neurocognitive systems underlying Selective Attention and Motivated Cognition.

We have laboratories dedicated to behavioral, TMS and eye-movement studies on human subjects, as well as neurophysiology labs for single and multi-unit recordings from behaving non human primates.

We are based at the Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences - Section of Physiology and Psychology, at the University of Verona, Italy.

Leonardo Chelazzi at Veneto Research Night

The University of Verona took part in the European Night of Research, promoted by the Europan Research Committee, which aims at bringing researchers and science in general closer to the general public.

Every fourth Friday of September in many European Cities the citizens will have the opportunity to visit research facilities which are normally off limits, and try out state-of-the-art technologies under the guidance of experienced researchers, take part in experiments and simulations, as well as discuss with the scientists.

Our group leader Leonardo Chelazzi was invited to present his research during the event of this year, which took place on September 30.

News coverage (in Italian): http://www.univrmagazine.it/sito/vedi_articolo.php?id=4282